Jak bezpečná je dividenda Kraft Heinz?


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5 Responses

  1. honzas napsal:

    Zaznamenal jsem dnes zprávu, že Kraft snižuje kvartální dividendu na 40 centů/akcii z 62,5 centu…

    • Ondřej napsal:

      Bohužel je tomu tak na konferenčním callu to prej zmínili.
      KHC says in its earnings conference call that it is cutting its quarterly dividend by 36% to $0.40/share.

      During the fourth quarter, as part of the Company’s normal quarterly reporting procedures and planning processes, the Company concluded that, based on several factors that developed during the fourth quarter, the fair values of certain goodwill and intangible assets were below their carrying amounts. As a result, the Company recorded non-cash impairment charges of $15.4 billion to lower the carrying amount of goodwill in certain reporting units, primarily U.S. Refrigerated and Canada Retail, and certain intangible assets, primarily the Kraft and Oscar Mayer trademarks. These charges resulted in a net loss attributable to common shareholders of $12.6 billion and diluted loss per share of $10.34.

      Adjusted EBITDA decreased 13.9 percent versus the year-ago period to $1.7 billion, including a negative 2.4 percentage point impact from currency. Excluding the impact of currency, lower Adjusted EBITDA reflected a decline in the United States that more than offset Constant Currency Adjusted EBITDA(1) growth in all other business segments. Adjusted EPS decreased 6.7 percent to $0.84, as lower Adjusted EBITDA, higher depreciation and amortization expenses, as well as higher interest expense more than offset lower taxes on adjusted earnings in the current period.

      Když vezmeme non-gap zisk za čtvrtletí tak reportují Adjusted EPS(1) $0.84
      Takže teoreticky i ta dividenda ve výši $0.625 byla pokryta. Hold uvidíme co vymamlasí v příštím období.
      Každopádně porušila mé pravidlo a snížila dividendu. Mít jí v portfóliu prodám doku jsem v zeleným, poděkuji za již vyplacené dividendy a jdu o dům dál.

    • VSbrok napsal:

      Hmmm zajímavý… další firma co měla divi krytou a přesto kat…
      Co pak se to na tom trhu začíná dít za divné věci?!?!?

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